The Ultimate Social Bookmarking Plugin | Plugins | Joomla Extensions

ImageThis new Joomla! plugin was built as a superior replacement for the old Social Bookmarking Buttons plugin for Joomla 1.0.x. The Ultimate Social Bookmarking plugin is the best extension available because it puts the buttons where you want them, allows an unlimited amount of customization, and is compatible with Joomla! 1.0.x and Joomla! 1.5 natively.
Please give this plugin a vote at the Joomla! Extensions Directory if you appreciate the time I've put into it. Others won't be able to find it if it's buried below the rest of the extensions. Thanks!


  • Quickly and easily build up your web traffic and PageRank by making it easy for your website visitors to add your pages to any social bookmarking website.
  • All styling is done through CSS, no inline styling or tables.
  • Manage your buttons through an editable XML file. Choose which buttons you want enabled, or add new buttons yourself.
  • Native versions for Joomla 1.0.x and Joomla 1.5

The Ultimate Social Bookmarking Plugin | Plugins | Joomla Extensions

1 comment:

Craftdrawer said...

Thanks for the information I will be sure to check into this more...