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GoDaddy and Joomla 1.5 -> Do these things before posting que

Joomla RC3 works well on GoDaddy shared linux hosting. This thread is a holding point for all GoDaddy specific fixes - read this post completely before posting about issues on GoDaddy.

If you run into another issue & fix that GoDaddy shared linux hosting users should know about, please let us know. (Just because you had an issue and you host with GoDaddy does not mean you should post here)

Before getting into anything, you must be made aware of the fact that new .htaccess files ARE NOT IMMEDIATELY PROCESSED. It can take up to 60 minutes before these changes actually take effect on GoDaddy. This is straight from their FAQ:
Changes made to an existing .htaccess file will be seen immediately. When a new .htaccess file is created or an existing .htaccess file is deleted, however, these changes will not be seen until the htaccess cache is cleared. This occurs every hour.

Shared linux hosting accounts process .php files with PHP4 by default. This can cause problems with linkable titles and read more links, as well as several items. To fix it, you need to add a handler to the top of your .htaccess file for PHP5 (and wait for it to be processed) like the following two lines:
AddHandler x-httpd-php5 .php
AddHandler x-httpd-php .php4

The default GMail Authentication plugin does not work with GoDaddy. The issue has to do with using another proxy to make the https request from a shared hosting account. Hopefully this will get tweaked in Joomla before the final release, but for now there is a third party plugin which implements a fix available here: ... Itemid,35/

You must uncomment the "RewriteBase /" line in the .htaccess file and allow time for the change to be processed. Then, once the SEF options are turned on, it should work fine. (Remember to clear local caches before thinking you've got an error)

I have attached an .htaccess file which has been working for me with RC3 on GoDaddy. (It is named htaccess.txt and must be renamed to .htaccess)

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