Details on the Privilege Escalation Vulnerability in Joomla

Details on the Privilege Escalation Vulnerability in Joomla:

"Yesterday, Joomla! 3.6.4 was released, patching a critical privilege escalation and arbitrary account creation vulnerability.

As we’ve seen some exploits attempts occurring in the wild, we feel it is a good time to describe what the issue is and how it was fixed.


Analyzing the Patch

It was fairly easy to figure out where the vulnerable code was, as pretty much all the patch does (with the exception of fixing an additional two factor authentication bug) is basically remove the register method from the UsersControllerUser class. So that’s where our investigation started.

Joomla register method removed in privilege escalation vulnerability code snippet
We removed some original code for improved readability

All in all, what this method does is it takes user input from the user POST parameter (which is intended to be an associative array) and validates whether specific parameters are properly formatted (email address, username, etc.). If it’s all good, it pushes the array to the register method from the UsersModelRegistration class.

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