Speed up Joomla 1.7 on Godaddy

Turn on caching in the General Config!
The slowest aspect of GoDaddy Joomla hosting is the shared access to MySQL

By turning on caching, a page will be stored as a standard HTML when accessed (the home page, for example).

If the next time the page is referenced the cached version hasn't expired, it will simply send the stored file instead of reconstructing the page from the MySQL database.

Follow these steps:

  1. Login to Admin
  2. Go to General Configuration
  3. System Tab
Check out:
  1. Joomla documentation here:http://docs.joomla.org/Cache#Page_Caching
  2. Also herehttp://www.joomtraining.com.au/tutorial ... erformance
Progressive Cache 
The progressive settings are the default cache settings. It provides faster caching and takes up the most space in terms of system caching. It isn't recommended for very large websites. It will cache modules.

Conservative cache
Conservative cache will only cache certain elements of your website.

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