Joomla! Day Chicago - Rehab for Joomla! - The Event of a Lifetime | Joomla! Community Portal

This is the story of how I met Joomla! and why I cannot break the addiction. I was introduced to Joomla! a long ago by a close friend of mine, Irfan Moosani. Irfan said that it was the "best stuff". I had tried other "good stuff" before like the WordPress, and it was pretty darn good, but I had never tried Joomla!.

 I wanted to try new things but I didn't want to try too much. Next thing I knew I was using Joomla! every day and night. I was hooked! Now, my addiction has spread from myself to my team, my family and even my friends now love Joomla!.

After a while of using the Enterprise CMS I could not take anymore of that fancy GUI and guessing; I had to look to get help with Joomla! I found many resources to help me learn my new found addiction. I quickly learned that there were many others like me, addicted to Joomla! In fact, there was a whole community of people addicted to Joomla!.

Joomla! Day Chicago - Rehab for Joomla! - The Event of a Lifetime

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